2009. február 12., csütörtök

Uploadbox.com - New file hosting with more paying

Today I'm started on Uploadboy.com, which is a similar filehosting service like Uploading.com But they pay double amount!!! 20$/1000 download. And there is a fast ftp-upload opportunity, you can use this form for this: ftp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ftp.uploadbox.com

Register here: uploadbox

If you need help just ask!

On the first day with only 2 small files uploaded I made 1,94$!!! I had 186 downloads for these files. So it's a very good rate!!! But there's a difference between Uploading and Uploadbox. With Uploading if the same people downloads more files from you in 1 day, then all downloads are counted, with Uploadbox they only count 1 download from 1 ip no matter how many downloads made the person. So Uploadbox is only good when you post only 1 something special that wants everybody.

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